If you had a Gameboy camera, congratulations, you were decades ahead of today’s selfie-obsessed culture!
But if you still have that camera, chances are it’s sat in a box somewhere and rarely gets used. It’s also probably full of photos you took back in the day and forgot about. It’s actually possible to get those photos off the camera and on to a PC, and therefore Twitter or Facebook, if you’re that way inclined.
Step 1 - Camera to PC
The first step is to copy the photos from the camera to a PC. The photos are stored in the SRAM of the camera, just like a save file. So for this you’ll need to grab yourself a Mega Memory and a flash cart, and follow my previous guide to copying save files from Gameboy games to a PC.
Step 2 - Extracting the photos
There is already a piece of software that does just this job! Get yourself a copy of GBCameraDump by Robert Baffy. It runs on Windows and is kilobytes in size. Simply run the program, select ‘Load Save Ram’ from the menu, point to the file you extracted from the camera in the previous step, and the rest is self-explanatory.